Thursday, December 11, 2008

Early to bed early to rise blah blah blah...

Yawn, well, this week I decided to start trying to get up at 6:00 am because I have made a new years resolution to get up at 6am every weekday in 2009, and I just don't think I'll wake up on new year's day at 6am and feel like getting out of bed all of the sudden. So, this week when my alarm goes off at 6:00 rather than immediately turning it off and thinking to myself that I must remember to re-set that dumb thing b-4 rolling over and going right back to sleep I actually tried to wake up, and get out of bed.

Monday went a bit like this:
When my alarm went off at 6am I actually got up!
Showered, dressed, had breakfast with the kids, sent my husband and kids off to work on time
Shampood living room carpet by 9:30am! (this usually takes me all day).
Dinner, bed time.

Got up closer to 6:30, had breakfast with the kids, and sent everyone out the door on time.
Vacuumed the carpet (well I vacuumed some of the carpet, then I got distracted.)
Watched cartoons for a little while.
Knit a sweater.
Dinner, bed time.

I had a really hard time getting up! I finally had to drag myself out of bed at 7:15am, right after Mark went to work.
Got kids off to school
Then I didn't know what to do! The living room was clean, the dishes were done, and the laundry was folded. (I'm not saying that my house is so clean that I just couldn't find anything to clean, just the opposite is true! There are usually so many sticky fingerprints everywhere that I can't decide where to start! But there wasn't really anything demanding my immediate attention, and I didn't really feel like cleaning anything)
Christmas sweaters were nearly done and I wasn't in the mood for finishing work on them.
No cleaning, no crafting. I got online, checked out my favorite forums, and checked my email about a zillion times! (hey, you never know when you might get an important message!) This took most of the morning.
After lunch I finished the details on the last 2 sweaters. This took hours! When they were done I ran up and whipped up dinner which I put on the table just as my husband was walking in the door.
We were so happy that he's finished with his semester that we just talked to each other all night after dinner.

Thursday (today)
I got up at about 7:00am just in time to see the hubby off to work
Got the kids to school with their homework done, and did the morning cartoons with the younger kids.
Spent way too much time online, had a wonderful chat with my best friend who lives entirely too far away
Had an argument with my wonderful hubby over school (school is stressful)
Pouted about the argument
Came to the conclusion that I'm a brat because I can't seem to think of anything to ask Santa to bring me for Christmas that costs under $300!
And got a wonderful call from my wonderful husband saying that not only is school not as stressful as we thought (he needs 3 fewer classes than we thought yay!!), but also he's bringing home dinner. :)

So, not only am I truly spoiled by a great husband that doesn't mind if I play online, and in my craft room all day, and not clean the sticky finger prints from the trim around the doors, but I also DON'T like getting up at 6:00am! But it's still a dream of mine, so I will not give up! Surely it'll become a habit by say, May 2009?

So far this week I have learned that the longer I go with less than about 9 hours of sleep the more cranky I get (maybe I should take a nap each day too), and that I need a better plan for what to DO when I get up at 6:00am or my day goes nowhere. Monday I did a lot because I had a plan, as the week went on I did less and less because I had less and less of an idea of what I was going to do. This little experiment should only bet more interresting as it continues (or more borring, hard to tell which yet).

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