Thursday, December 11, 2008

Early to bed early to rise blah blah blah...

Yawn, well, this week I decided to start trying to get up at 6:00 am because I have made a new years resolution to get up at 6am every weekday in 2009, and I just don't think I'll wake up on new year's day at 6am and feel like getting out of bed all of the sudden. So, this week when my alarm goes off at 6:00 rather than immediately turning it off and thinking to myself that I must remember to re-set that dumb thing b-4 rolling over and going right back to sleep I actually tried to wake up, and get out of bed.

Monday went a bit like this:
When my alarm went off at 6am I actually got up!
Showered, dressed, had breakfast with the kids, sent my husband and kids off to work on time
Shampood living room carpet by 9:30am! (this usually takes me all day).
Dinner, bed time.

Got up closer to 6:30, had breakfast with the kids, and sent everyone out the door on time.
Vacuumed the carpet (well I vacuumed some of the carpet, then I got distracted.)
Watched cartoons for a little while.
Knit a sweater.
Dinner, bed time.

I had a really hard time getting up! I finally had to drag myself out of bed at 7:15am, right after Mark went to work.
Got kids off to school
Then I didn't know what to do! The living room was clean, the dishes were done, and the laundry was folded. (I'm not saying that my house is so clean that I just couldn't find anything to clean, just the opposite is true! There are usually so many sticky fingerprints everywhere that I can't decide where to start! But there wasn't really anything demanding my immediate attention, and I didn't really feel like cleaning anything)
Christmas sweaters were nearly done and I wasn't in the mood for finishing work on them.
No cleaning, no crafting. I got online, checked out my favorite forums, and checked my email about a zillion times! (hey, you never know when you might get an important message!) This took most of the morning.
After lunch I finished the details on the last 2 sweaters. This took hours! When they were done I ran up and whipped up dinner which I put on the table just as my husband was walking in the door.
We were so happy that he's finished with his semester that we just talked to each other all night after dinner.

Thursday (today)
I got up at about 7:00am just in time to see the hubby off to work
Got the kids to school with their homework done, and did the morning cartoons with the younger kids.
Spent way too much time online, had a wonderful chat with my best friend who lives entirely too far away
Had an argument with my wonderful hubby over school (school is stressful)
Pouted about the argument
Came to the conclusion that I'm a brat because I can't seem to think of anything to ask Santa to bring me for Christmas that costs under $300!
And got a wonderful call from my wonderful husband saying that not only is school not as stressful as we thought (he needs 3 fewer classes than we thought yay!!), but also he's bringing home dinner. :)

So, not only am I truly spoiled by a great husband that doesn't mind if I play online, and in my craft room all day, and not clean the sticky finger prints from the trim around the doors, but I also DON'T like getting up at 6:00am! But it's still a dream of mine, so I will not give up! Surely it'll become a habit by say, May 2009?

So far this week I have learned that the longer I go with less than about 9 hours of sleep the more cranky I get (maybe I should take a nap each day too), and that I need a better plan for what to DO when I get up at 6:00am or my day goes nowhere. Monday I did a lot because I had a plan, as the week went on I did less and less because I had less and less of an idea of what I was going to do. This little experiment should only bet more interresting as it continues (or more borring, hard to tell which yet).

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Shawls, toilet paper, and a dream

I'm working on knitting a lace shawl with silk and wool that I dyed, and blended, then spun into what is turning out to be more lace weight yarn than I actually need. I started this shawl on a dare. I was in a chat room on a knitting web site where I met a lovely person from South Africa. We were talking about patterns, and whatnot, and I mentioned that I wanted to knit a shawl from hand spun yarn. She told me I should just do it! I had no idea what I would do with such a thing, I don't wear things like that. I've always imagined that shawls are for old ladies, and I'm not really an old lady yet. She said something to the effect of, "You could sell it!" I argued that I would have to sell it for about $1000 for all the time and supplies that would go into it. She convinced me that people buy all kinds of things online all the time, and that surely there's room in this world for a $1000 shawl too. So really on a dare, and just to see if I could really do it I started on this shawl. I'm now about 20 very long rows away from finishing this shawl, and I'm not even sure I could part with it. It's actually turning out rather nice, and I'm thinking maybe I could find the occasion to wear it. Then there's the issue of pattern copyright. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to sell something I knit from this pattern. So, since I spun more yards of yarn than I needed for this shawl I'm now toying with the idea of designing another shawl, and knitting it with what's left from this yarn, and possibly trying to sell that one. But we'll see, I toy with a LOT of ideas. There's just not time in life for them all.

Tuesday morning we ran out of toilet paper! This is something you should never let happen, but somehow I did. Luckily we had some tissues to substitute until I could go to the store. So, once I got the kids off to school, and the other 3 dressed and ready to go we headed off. But since I was leaving I figured I may as well go to the craft store, I had coupons! And I needed yarn anyway (yes I needed it!). Well, 3 kids, and a craft store do not make for quick shopping for me. I should have realized this before I left, but I just thought, I have 3 hours before school gets out, I have plenty of time! Hmmm... well not exactly. First of all, I live in the middle of nowhere, so it's a LEAST a 30 minute drive round trip just to the nearest grocery store, and the travel time increases exponentially if you wanna go anywhere worth shopping. So off to the craft store we headed, and we had a delightful time looking at yarn. Crickett (who is about 3 1/2 yrs. old) had to use the bathroom twice when we were there which was kinda funny, and each time she asked if this was where we were going to get toilet paper. No, we'll have to get that at a different store, I told her. So after yarn shopping we headed for the grocery store. I thought I'd have a lot more time to shop, so I brought my grocery list, but as luck would have it I only had a few minutes to shop before needing to rush home to make it back before the kids got out of school. So, I grabbed only peanut butter, and toilet paper. Crickett was delighted that we had the toilet paper, and that she got to be there with me when I bought it. She kept talking the whole way home about how she's glad we got the toilet paper, and that she's going to tell her older brother and sister that we bought toilet paper when they get home from school. And sure enough the first thing she said to her siblings when they got home was, "We went to the store and bought toilet paper!" with her very excited voice! It was adorable! I've never seen anyone so excited about toilet paper as Crickett was on Tuesday!

I have a dream that involves me getting up at 6:00am to clean, finishing cleaning the house, and getting the kids off to school no later than 12:00 noon, having lunch, putting the little ones down for a nap, and crafting the afternoon away guilt free, because my house is clean, and the kids are fed and happily sleeping. I somehow have to make myself go to bed at 10:00pm so I can get up at 6:00am though. I'll keep ya posted on this dream, surely one day I can drag myself out of bed at 6:00am again!

Until next time, happy crafting!

Hello, I'm a Craft-O-Holic

Hello, I have started this blog because when people ask me if I have a blog I usually tell them, "Yeah, but it's all crafty-shmafty stuff, nothing about me or my family really" which is true. I have occasionally mentioned my hubby, and if I have made something for a family member they will get a mention. And the only time I really mention me is to say, "Looky what I made now!" :) So I started this blog to share thoughts and happenings of my life that are not totally craft related.

However, this may be easier said than done for me, because as mentioned in the title of this post I am a craft-o-holic! It's true! I LOVE all things crafty! and I'm not just talking about painting little decorative painted objects to decorate my house with. I do love those, but I'm not so great with a paintbrush. The crafting world is WAY bigger than that! And I feel this need to try it all!!! I'm not kidding! If you saw my craft room (which is on my crafty-shmafty blog) you'd know I'm so not kidding! And to prove it I'll give you an over view list of the types of crafting I've been into lately. I like to: sew, knit, crochet, spin yarn (yes on a spinning wheel, like in sleeping beauty), stamp (anything that will stay still long enough for me to stamp it), scrapbook, make cards, weave, hand dye yarn, and spinning fiber, card batts for spinning, quilt, cross stitch, cut vinyl lettering, design my own scrapbook embellishments, create hair accessories for kids, and make cutesy home decore. While these are all wholesome, productive activities the problem with being a craft addict is that there are never enough hours in a day to complete all the fun craftiness that I plan. So, rather than, um... clean my house, or cook for the 7 people that live in it I'd much rather craft something! So, this has caused my house to be messier than I like it, and dinners are later than the children would like them to be. This sometimes leads to a lot more whining in my house than I would like there to be.

Thus I have come to the conclusion that I must force myself to become more orderly! That doesn't sound too hard does it? Well it IS! The crafts keep getting in the way LOL!! So, another reason that I have started this blog is because I'm hoping to chronicle not only the actual goings-on in my life, but also the progression towards having an orderly craft filled life. You'll notice I have said nothing of giving up my crafts! Even though I sometimes feel as though the fabric stash is trying to take over my life (it's fighting with the fiber, yarn, and paper), I do like my crafts, and would be completely bored (once the house is completely clean, and orderly) without them.

Well it's lunch time, and after lunch is nap time (my favorite part of the day). So, until next time happy crafting!